Creating effective conferences involves a combination of content, creativity, coordination and collaboration. So here are some key elements to help keep things simple and engaging for attendees. Set objectives Design the conference based on the needs of participants and ensure the content is supportive of and aligned with the core message/s. People fear repetition, but […]
So here are some key elements to help keep things simple and engaging for attendees.
Design the conference based on the needs of participants and ensure the content is supportive of and aligned with the core message/s. People fear repetition, but don’t ignore the value of re-enforcement.
Engage the whole team when designing an event and a simple way to do this is to ask people what they want. This will help you formulate a clear picture of what needs to happen to help deliver a more effective event.
Keep the audience active, challenged and ensure that they have to take action.
The structure of a conference is alien to the normal working pattern because, during the average working day, people move about, absorb and process information and take action.
And whatever you do, keep people as active as you can. The golden rule to keep people engaged is don’t force them to sit and endure death by PowerPoint presentation.
Getting the venue, accommodation and other details right contributes so much to the overall success of any conference.
So here are some factors to consider when choosing your conference organiser and conference destination:
We all know we can’t rely on the internet to show us the details that are important to the running of a successful conference.
A change of ownership etc can change the standards of the venues.
There is a venue for every budget.
You need no surprises when you get there.
Communication has to be efficient in order for you to meet your deadlines.
Each company and conference have different requirements.
Activities, guest speakers, transport etc.
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